0330 350 0715 enquiries@tkinv.com

ERP System Integration – Core Functionality

our Core functionality at tHINK Warehouse Management System is erp system integration
ERP System Integration


The THINK Warehouse Management System provides full traceability for all transactions at the handling unit level. With full ERP Integration, transaction history can be viewed on both the desktop and handheld scanner and provides full who/what/when information.

ERP System Integration


THINK has experience in generating and reading bar codes in a range of formats across different industries – all barcoding is offered with full ERP System Integration.

ERP System Integration Barcoding


THINK has extensive experience in integrating with a wide variety of ERP systems. Typical integrations occur at inbound ASN, receipt, pick creation, and outbound ASN. Interfaces have also been created for batch and stock status reporting plus also the need to keep ERP informed of warehouse management system inventory levels.

The THINK Warehouse Management System provides for many different methods of processing your customers’ requirements including:

Web Interface: Portal access can be provided to your customers, with a unique user ID and password providing security and confidentiality, they can enter their requirements directly. You retain full control over how and when these requirements are released and scheduled.

Automated spreadsheet: Your customer can simply email their requirements to you and we can process these automatically reducing the need to re-enter their requirements thus improving productivity and removing any keying errors.

EDI: Full Electronic Data Interchange allows for multiple types of customer requirements to be handled, which allows for customer forecasts, short-term planning information, and shipping requests to be effortlessly processed without the need for any manual intervention. We support many EDI standards including EDIFACT and ODETTE.

ERP System Integration


Getting staff to be mindful of recording what needs to be charged in a busy warehouse is notoriously difficult and can lead to regular lost revenue to your business

The THINK Warehouse Management System can provide wide-ranging charging functionality which applies pre-determined charge rates at the item, supplier, and customer levels for all key process areas of a warehouse.

So as items are received, stored, picked, and despatched, THINK actively tracks and builds a list of handling charges to ensure that you never again miss that invoice to your customer and that you can provide instant and irrefutable justification of charges.

In addition to these standard charges, at all stages throughout the process, the user can easily add ad-hoc charges directly onto the handheld scanner. Think Inventory Solutions offer full ERP System Integration so, if, for example, you need to perform a re-stack or a shrink wrap operation to an individual pallet then via a simple tap on the screen to select the charge from a list and the finance department instantly know that the charge needs to be applied.

ERP System Integration


The serial shipping container code (SSCC) is an 18-digit number used to identify logistics units. In order to automate the reading process, the SSCC is often encoded in a barcode. THINK Warehouse Management System offers the ability to manage these at both receipt and despatch with full ERP System Integration.



THINK Warehouse Management System can provide an array of both standards and fully customised Excel exports and Crystal reports for all areas of the system.

ERP System Reporting and Analytics


Fully configurable, this allows the capture of required data from barcodes containing non-required characters, such as prefixes and other symbols. This feature also provides the necessary configuration to populate multiple data fields from a single scan of one barcode.

ERP System Integration


The THINK Daybook clearly displays all of your inbound and outbound shipments in a familiar and easy-to-use calendar view. Utilising simple click, drag, and drop functionality you are able to view, add, edit and cancel any shipment.

This simple but powerful tool will show you, at a glance, your manpower and resource requirements for hours, days, weeks, or even months ahead. You can identify bottlenecks and spikes in demand whilst reviewing the impact of changes to inbound traffic in real-time.

ERP System Integration


THINK Warehouse Management System offers full control over what your users and operatives can view and access on both desktop and mobile scanning devices. THINK’s unique user-friendly ergonomics can then be configured so that only what each user needs to use is shown on the menu screens, reducing training and navigation time whilst helping to eliminate potential errors.

User groups can also be designed and quickly applied to any user’s account for such times when their role may need you to be flexible to manage your business needs.

Contact us or call 0330 350 0715 to find out how our ERP System Integration can benefit your business.

ERP System Integration User Permissions

Are you worried that a warehouse management solution will be too expensive, or that you will be trapped in a long contract? To arrange a demo or discuss your requirements, give THINK a call on 0330 350 0715, email enquiries@tkinv.com or complete the Quick Quote form below. We can work with your business to help save you money and drive down costs.



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Core WMS Functionality


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